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Rob_T posted Apr 19 at 8:34 am

Congratulations to everyone for the results in the second half of the season and for the entire season.
With special mention for Deejay, who consistently maintains top form. smile
But the competition in the TOP10 was even and at a high level.

By the way, does anyone know when the play off league will start?

recent by salthawks  ·  Apr 30 at 2:45 pm
Rob_T posted Apr 30 at 10:16 am

Hi Admin,

it looks there is a problem with last night games.

No Lakers-Nuggets points:
L. James NO GAME
J. Murray NO GAME

Sixers (Embiid) is shown as "active" though there was no game:
J. Embiid PHI@NYK Live ?

Please check...


Apparently the above teams (Celtics, Suns, Kings and Knicks) should be included in standings but did not get included in the scores from last night games (Dec. 8 ).

Best I can tell, the scores from 12/7 have still not been counted.

The above scores should complete the regular season scores during the tournament.

The 12/9 game, per ADMIN note of 11/27, would not count in our standings

recent by deejay  ·  Dec 9 '23 at 5:35 pm
admin posted Nov 14 '23 at 11:18 pm

Hello all,

As I am sure most of you noted, the forum stopped working.
It has been really tough to bring it up again and I have taken advantage of this problem to upgrade the forum to a newer version, so there might be some issues on the following weeks, and there are already some known bugs I am trying to fix.

Sorry for the inconveniences.

Best regards.

quasime posted Oct 13 '23 at 9:59 am

Dear Admin, dear all,

first, happy new season! I'm pumped!
what's with this new In-Tournament 'round Christmas? Is it just big money for TV and broadcasters? Will there be other impact from it? I don't really get it ...

secondly, why do pre-season-games affect the AVERAGE (fantasy points) of the players? Now, mostly all rookies will have an average they can't reach consistently, and they aren't cheap either, so nobody will really take them in their roster from the beginning.
And that's a pity! No?
It is good for the star-players, because they basically don't play much, sure, but... hm

Maybe there's an idea behind and I don't get it, or it's just the game how's it supposed to be? I'm curious.
Please let me know :-)


admin posted Apr 12 '23 at 11:10 pm

2022/23 Playoffs are already available, though be careful as the schedule is not confirmed yet as they are playing the play-in tournament.

Note that the slot to make your team is very short this year so you might want to start building your team or even completely build it without counting on the matchups with latest teams coming from the play-in (two spots missing).

Also note there are still some problems, especially regarding this forum. Please do not post anything with emojis or images. Sorry for that.


recent by uuell  ·  Jun 16 '23 at 7:08 am
admin posted Apr 14 '23 at 8:35 pm

Hello all,

For unknown reasons, Twitter has suspended the access of this site to their API, so login through Twitter can not used until further notice.

I have opened a support ticket so they can give me more information on this, but for the moment, this feature is no longer supported.

Sorry for the inconveniences.

Best regards.

admin posted Apr 11 '23 at 10:43 pm

Hello all,

The 2nd half of the season 2022/23 is finished. Another clash between two giants, Patrick Landolt with his team Acte 2 and deejay with his team DJ -1.

Finally Patrick got away with it and is the winner, both in points and money!! Nicely done, Patrick!!! Hope somebody can kick your ass for the playoffs, the party will not last forever!

Thanks to everybody for playing.
Keep it up for the playoffs!!!

admin posted Mar 20 '23 at 11:09 pm

Hello everybody,

The hosting service decided to update the software on the servers and that has caused a lot of issues in the game. They just gave me the option to keep the old version by paying a lot more.

I have kept this game running for a long time for free but I am loosing money (not to mention the time dedicated to improve and solve issues). So the idea of paying even more is just out of the table.

So I will try to fix everything, but it might take time, as some features (as this forum) depend on third party libraries which in some cases, are not even prepared for that software version.

I would like to ask you for some patience, I am really sorry for all the issues.



My fantasy profile page is stuck on last nights date, which gives a different time that the games go

The screen shot was taken today, just a few seconds ago…..and it’s the 14th


Luckily this didn’t jam me up cause I already mad the moves I had to make but what if iI didn’t know better I would have thought that I har more time then I did?!? This has happened to me before, has an anyone else experience this or is it just me?

Glitches happened and honestly, I rarely have any complaints, system admin are pretty responsive with adjusting things when necessary but the last time I had trouble proving that this was a problem and if it impacts my team and there’s no acknowledgement that there a problem then that sucks for me and no one I’m competing against would give a shit.

Again, overall no complaints, love competing every year but could you take a look at this please🙏🏾 Thx

admin posted Feb 17 '23 at 11:35 pm

Hello all,

The first half of the season 2022/2023 is finished. Congratulations to Patrick Landolt, as we is the winner both in points and money with his team God save JB. God save us from having him in the game as his presence means less changes of winning for the rest.

I do not want to make a case for alcoholic drinks, but is he referring to this?

We will never know. I hope you all enjoy, see you for the complete season and also the second half of the season.

Below the honours table:



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