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admin posted Dec 30 '22 at 1:30 pm

Hello everybody,

First of all, thanks to some of you that have donated some money to this site. That is really great and I appreciate it a lot, as it gives me the possibility to keep this site going.

For everybody else, if you can contribute, as much as you can, that would be very much appreciated!!

I wish you all merry xmas and a very happy new year.



Ok is this just me….

I’ve been out of the country (Mexico) and just arrived today so I don’t know if this plays a factor but my teams information is stuck on Nov. 14….😒 Again, is this just me?

It shows all the stats that I got from last night games but any of the players that should be active today, are actually being accounted for🤷🏾‍♂️?

I assume this is any ease fix but it threw me off cause I didn’t know if I needed to make a trade with one of my players that appears to hurt? I didn’t know when everything went live
but I assume it was 7:00 (EST), like it is 90% of the time, but sometimes it’s at 7:30, which means I could have made a trade in time.

🤦🏾‍♂️IDK, can anyone let me know what’s happening?!?


I was looking over the league and my competition and I notice that this players roster value does not seem to add up......


The combine value of the roster that he has playing, according to my calculations, is 40,103,395, how does he have 8,980,377 in the bank?!?


smile The actually combine value of the team that he has playing would have to be 31,123,018 to have that much money in the bank

I know there is a delay in terms of what we can see from other peoples roster but nothing about this make since even if I'm not seeing his updated roster. Is it just me?!?....and if so, make it make sense cause right now it doesn't, but I could be wrong

admin posted Oct 12 '22 at 12:43 pm


There were some problems with the prices of some players and I had to reset some of the teams, so you might find your team empty if you had one of these players:

  • Zion Williamson
  • Kawhi Leonard
  • Ben Simmons
  • John Wall
  • Jamal Murray.

Anyway, just in case, have a look at your team again.

Please sorry for the inconveniences for those of you that had you team reset.


admin posted Oct 12 '22 at 12:41 pm

Hello all,

Remember that the season 2022/2023 is now available, so you can start creating your teams.
The official start of the league is the 18th of October. Be ready!!

Have fun!!!


admin posted Sep 9 '22 at 12:44 pm

Hello all,

I am happy to announce that the season 2022/2023 is now available, so you can start creating your teams.
The official start of the league is the 18th of October. Be ready!!

Have fun!!!


admin posted Jun 20 '22 at 11:52 am

Hello all,

The NBA season has finished. In the final battle of the year, Theodoros Christoforidis with his team Fortuna 95 is the winner. Congratulations Theodoros!!! I wish I were you when I become an adult smile
Just 24 points over the second position Patrick Landolt.....Two legends of this game, indeed. Amazing fight, guys!!!

Below the top 10 standings:


I really hope you all enjoyed this year competition and I hope you come again next year!!!
I need to ask you all a favour. If you need somebody who might like this game, please ask them to join!!! The more we are, the more fun we'll have.

I really wish you all a good summer, good holidays and good health for you and your beloved ones. Take care and see you next.....October I guess.


recent by quasime  ·  Jun 22 '22 at 12:08 pm
admin posted Apr 13 '22 at 11:29 pm

Hello all,

The complete season 2021/2022 has come to an end.

The winner is the usual suspect, deejay and his team DJ - A 🇺🇦. Congratulations again *deejay for your victory. Once again, the goal of all of us is to beat your ass some time, but reality keeps slapping us on the face.

Also congratulations to BullsNick and his team Bull Market. Usually those who come in second placer are not remembered. You won't either, but at least you forced deejay to give his best, so good job too!!

Thank you all for playing. The site is nothing without you.

Below the final standings:



recent by quasime  ·  Apr 16 '22 at 6:16 pm
admin posted Apr 13 '22 at 11:19 pm

Hello all,

2nd half of the season 2021-2022 has come to an end.

Congratulations to Jean-baptiste Demont with the team Nothing but net as the winner of the 2nd half of the season 2021/2022. Impressive job, you have won on a close contest with deejay, being first in points and money. You got it all !!

It is been really fun to watch, with the eight first team over 44M. Impressive guys!!!

Thanks to all of you for playing!!!

Below the final standings.


admin posted Mar 7 '22 at 3:51 pm

There is not much we can do from here apart from donating food and other goods to Ukraine. There are sites where you can contribute, and I am sure there are some vans or trucks close to you which are driving all the way to Ukraine with food and medical stuff or any other important things to support ukrainian civilians.

From here I would like to note how important our donations might be, as little as they might seem. No matter what is your position on this war or how much you can contribute, some civilian will be grateful somehow.

On another and insignificant level, it would be great if you can add the Ukraine flag to your teams in this site to support Ukraine and show you reject war, if you feel like it.

Thanks everybody.

admin posted Feb 25 '22 at 9:55 pm

It is strange to be living these days and act as everything is normal. It is anything but normal to invade a country. There is no valid excuse or justification for doing that. It is just sad and the same behavior as the one of a bully.

We usually talk about the Cold War as it were really finished. Well, it looks like it never ended.

It is not my intention to mix this site with politics, but these are not just politics. From here, I just want to say no to the fucking war and give all my support to the Ukranian people in these terrible days. I hope the future will bring them something good. I would also encourage to russian people to say no to the war and the ones who promote it.

recent by deejay  ·  Feb 27 '22 at 1:02 pm
Petefreak posted Feb 23 '22 at 5:48 am

Hello, as I was constructing my team I saw that the Raptors games on February 28th (vs. Nets) and March 4th (vs. Magic) don't seem to be listed on this site. I think this might be due to the postponement of some games so this might also be the case with other games aswell, not sure though. Just thought I would let you know.


admin posted Feb 18 '22 at 8:12 pm

Hello again!!!

The first half of the season 2021/2022 is over. The news is that Deejay, with team DJ Part I - A has won the league. Oh wait, did he do it again? And he positioned his B team in second position. Really? Man, how do you do it? It is amazing, congratulations!!

Apart from that, a especial mention to Rob_T and his team BC Thorn 1/2 A. He had the top score for a day, with 440 points. Unreal.

Thank you all for playing and be aware to the opening of the second half in a few hours .

Here the top ten teams on this first half


admin posted Dec 21 '21 at 12:38 pm

Hi all,

Due to new NBA rules, teams with Covid cases are allowed to sign replacement players with short contracts. This will open room for many new players, so I will be adding them if they are somehow relevant.

As a first batch, I have added these "new" players:

Frank Ntilikina, Isaiah Thomas, Wesley Matthews, Alfonso Mackinney, James Ennis, BJ Johnson, Myles Powell, Casius Winston, Charlie Brown Jr.

I would like to especially welcome back Isaiah Thomas to this game, I have really missed him as I have a soft spot for this player and his offensive skills though we might have a tough debate on his defensive value.


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