Bug Reports
Jan. 10 PHI @ HOU

It seems that the points for last night's Philadelphia-Houston game didn't load. Perhaps this is because it was a rescheduled game?

Here is a list of (hopefully) all the re-scheduled games: https://www.nba.com/news/nba-reschedules-11-games-postponed-in-december

It seems that the points for last night's Philadelphia-Houston game didn't load. Perhaps this is because it was a rescheduled game? Here is a list of (hopefully) all the re-scheduled games: https://www.nba.com/news/nba-reschedules-11-games-postponed-in-december

Hi BullsNick,

Thanks a lot for the heads up. Yes, you are completely right. I have fixed the problem and will see what happens with the rest of rescheduled games.



Hi BullsNick, Thanks a lot for the heads up. Yes, you are completely right. I have fixed the problem and will see what happens with the rest of rescheduled games. Thanks! Cheers.
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