General Discussions
After the regular season...

Congratulations to everyone for the results in the second half of the season and for the entire season.
With special mention for Deejay, who consistently maintains top form. smile
But the competition in the TOP10 was even and at a high level.

By the way, does anyone know when the play off league will start?

Congratulations to everyone for the results in the second half of the season and for the entire season. With special mention for Deejay, who consistently maintains top form. 8) But the competition in the TOP10 was even and at a high level. By the way, does anyone know when the play off league will start?

Yeah Top 10 were quite exciting! Cheers to all!

... hopefully soon, start's tomorrow ... :-)

Yeah Top 10 were quite exciting! Cheers to all! ... hopefully soon, start's tomorrow ... :-)

the roster standings are not updating in the playoffs

the roster standings are not updating in the playoffs
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